Departamento Residencial Barcelona

Viviendas Exclusivas
in Barcelona

We are a real estate consultancy with 28 years of experience working in Barcelona and Madrid. Specialized in tertiary (commercial real estate) and investment, which allows us to obtain a global and complete vision of the real estate market, while taking advantage of all types of synergies that all departments of the company can contribute.

The experience has allowed us to have a solid knowledge of the market and create a brand with prestige and recognition in the sector.

Global vision

We have a global vision of the real estate sector, which allows us to anticipate changes in trends and predict market behavior to be able to advise developers more efficiently.

Consultora 360º

We offer comprehensive management that is very effective in sales. A way to concentrate marketing through a single interlocutor. A perfect partner for complex management.

Obra Nueva

We specialize in “boutique” type new construction projects, responding to
both clients and promoters looking for personalized treatment.

Viviendas Eclusivas

Contacta con nosotros

If you have any questions, contact with our real estate agency. Whether you want to put a property up for sale or if you are looking for the house of your dreams.

New construction

The experience has allowed us to have a solid knowledge of the market and create a brand with prestige and recognition in the sector.


We offer constant support

Global vision

Efficient advice

evaluating 2

Consultora 360

Integral management

Legal-Legal Support

Confección de contratos

We help you find
the home you are looking for

We have specialized in the most exclusive areas of Barcelona: Eixample, Gràcia, Gótico, Born, Barceloneta, Diagonal Mar, Sarria-Sant Gervasi. 

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQS

In order to reserve a home, the following documentation must be provided for each of the future buyers, provided that it is purchased in the name of a natural person.
  • Personal data of the owners: name and surname, marital status, address, contact telephone number, email address, etc.
  • Photocopy or scan of the DNI or Passport/Residence Card of all holders.
  • Rellenar ficha de identificación KYC requerida por la Ley de prevención de Blanqueo de Capitales y Financiación del Terrorismo.
  • Last income tax return or equivalent and working life if retired.
  • Acreditación del Origen de los Fondos Entregados.
  • Bank ownership certificate

Si se compra a nombre de persona jurídica, se debe consultar a los asesores comerciales, ya que la casuística es variada.

In any case, the identification data of the company, its representatives and all information that proves the origin of the funds delivered must be proven.

Mediante el contrato de reserva de vivienda el comprador entrega una cantidad a cuenta del precio pactado para la venta.

Por su parte el vendedor, se compromete a dejar de comercializar la vivienda. This contract establishes the term for the formalization of the so-called earnest money contract.

En caso de que no llegara a formalizarse en plazo, el importe entregado se perdería.

When you request a mortgage loan, a process begins in which the bank will examine your solvency to decide whether or not to assume the risk of giving you the money you are requesting. In order to carry out this risk assessment, it will ask you for the following documents:

  • El NIF o NIE en vigor para acreditar tu identidad.
  • La vida laboral actualizada (la puedes pedir directamente en la web de la Seguridad Social).
  • La declaración de IRPF más reciente.
  • Extracto bancario de los tres últimos meses. Not all banks ask for this, but if you are a solvent person with nothing to hide you can include it in the documentation even if they do not ask you to.
  • Escrituras o notas simples de las propiedades que tengas, aunque no seas el dueño o dueña del 100 %.
  • Last paid receipts for any outstanding loans. This helps the bank get an idea of the level of debt you have and whether you are solvent.
  • If you rent, you must present the rental contract (unless it was verbal) and the receipts or documents that prove the payment of the last months.
  • Contrato de arras (si se tiene) o contrato de compra-venta de la vivienda que se desea adquirir.
  • En algunos casos también se pide el último recibo del IBI.
  • Proof of other income or income, if any.

Es un impuesto directo de carácter real, es exigido de forma obligatoria por los municipios y su gestión es compartida por la administración del estado.

Its taxable event is constituted by the ownership of real estate, whether rural or urban, or by the ownership of certain real rights over said property and taxes the value of the aforementioned properties, which will generally coincide with the cadastral value assigned to them, to which the tax rate established by the respective City Councils will be applied, within limits of minimum and maximum percentages established by Law.

It is a tax that accrues annually, with the taxable person being the owner of the property or real right, as of January 1 of each year. No obstante, el devengo, en municipios como Madrid, el IBI se pasa al cobro entre el día 1 de octubre y el 30 de noviembre.

The energy efficiency certificate is an official document written by a technician who qualifies the property by calculating the annual energy consumption necessary to satisfy the energy demand of the building. Incluyendo la producción de agua caliente, calefacción, iluminación, refrigeración y ventilación.

During the process, an energy efficiency certificate is issued and an energy label is assigned to the building.

The energy rating scale varies from letter A (most energy efficient building) to letter G (least energy efficient building).

If you can sell the mortgaged home, and on the day the public deed is signed, the agent of the bank that granted the mortgage will receive the outstanding amount of the loan and the seller the rest.


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